Ghosts of Ohio

Services - Community Outreach

Green Lawn Community Cleanup, 2007

Resor Road Cleanup, Summer 2007

Community Outreach
The Ghosts of Ohio organization is proud to be a member not only of the paranormal community, but also of the Ohio community. So whenever possible, we try to give back to the community that has supported us all these years.

Over the years, The Ghosts of Ohio has donated time, money, and sometimes just good old-fashioned sweat to numerous Ohio-based organizations. Our most popular endeavor is to help raise monies for locations by allowing them to raffle us off as part of a charity ghost hunt.

Here are just a few organizations The Ghosts of Ohio has been involved with since 1999.

  • Adopt A Roadway Cleanup
  • Camp GLOW
  • Delaware Arts Castle (Charity Ghost Hunt)
  • Firefighters For Kids Toy Drive
  • Green Lawn Cemetery Adopt-A-Lot Program
  • Lime/Allen County Convention & Visitors Bureau (Charity Ghost Hunt)
  • Make-a-Wish Foundation
  • Merry-Go-Round Museum (Charity Ghost Hunt)
  • Ohio Food Bank
  • Ronald McDonald House
  • Toys for Tots

If you have a community-based activity you would like The Ghosts of Ohio to help out on, contact

Green Lawn Cemetery
The Ghosts of Ohio is proud to be an active member of Green Lawn Cemetery’s Adopt-A-Lot program. We have adopted Section 50 of the cemetery and as such, are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the section. That means that at least once a month, we visit the cemetery and walk our section, picking up sticks and raking leaves along the way. We also weed, trim unruly bushes, and make sure all the graves are in good shape and that none of the stones have fallen over or been damaged.

Some of the famous people buried in our section include author James Thurber and eccentric businessman Emil Ambos. We have begun cataloguing and researching some of the over 300 people buried in our section to find out more about them and who they were in life. If you have any additional information regarding individuals or families buried in Section 50 of Green Lawn Cemetery, please contact

Roadside Cleanup
In 2006, The Ghosts of Ohio adopted a section of Resor Road in Fairfield. At least 4 times a year, we all roll up our sleeves, don reflective vests, and pick up trash along the road. So if you time things just right, you might be able to see a bunch of “ghosts” walking alongside the road. If you do, be sure to give us beep of encouragement!

In addition to the typical beer bottles, cigarette butts, and wrappers from every conceivable fast food restaurant, we've found some pretty strange things lying along our section of road. As you look over the list below, you'll probably ask yourself the same question we did; what happened to cause these things to be thrown from a car window?

Top Ten Strange Things Found Along Resor Road (in no particular order):

  • Computer parts
  • Used pregnancy test (the results were "negative")
  • Pornographic DVD still in its original case
  • Brad Paisley CD
  • Molotov cocktail (yes, a real one. The police were notified.)
  • Expensive-looking corsage
  • Pocket Knife
  • Cordless drill minus the battery (battery was found about ˝ mile down the road and yes, the drill still worked)
  • Remains of a stolen wallet (police were notified)
  • Hypodermic needles

© 2008 The Ghosts of Ohio